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Reference number:

  • 6V811

Lightweight removable rope protection developed for rope work and manoeuvres.

Main features:

  • protects fixed ropes and temporary textile anchors from premature wear and tear;
  • equipped with Velcro fastening and top eyelet;
  • made of robust double-layer fabric;
  • suitable for any diameter of ropes for work at height;
  • lightweight and easy to install.

This product does not protect against cutting and is not suitable for use on sharp edges: for these needs, other solutions must be considered such as using rollers or creating deflections. Before use, always evaluate the suitability of the product according to the characteristics of the edge, the angles of use, the friction of the rope and the type of manoeuvre to be performed. Do not insert more than one rope. During work, periodically check the protection and the rope inside it.


Technical features

0,6 m


Standard and additional information